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bring on the night
the darkness beside
your bed
who knows this man
not well, not whole
his shadow falls
inside his soul

what drives me on
never speaking, never spoken
anywhere but here
never weeping, never woken

standing up ahead
the light behind your
cloak so red
i breathe the air
so still, so sweet
the world is falling
at your feet

lost in the mist
ever breaking, ever broken
nowhere but here
overtaking every token

ray cologon
may 1997


site maintained by
NightWing Enterprises
PO Box 20, Dallas, Victoria, Australia 3047

© 1997 Ray Cologon
Please Report any problems with this site to: webmaster@raycologon.com

Site created and managed by NightWing Enterprises using FileMaker Pro.
Ray Cologon is a provider of FileMaker custom programming,
FileMaker consulting and FileMaker Pro Developer services.

NightWing Enterprises is a division of   d a r k s k y   m e d i a