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  quiet light

close in moments of a waking dream
in expanding realisation
quiet light, enclosing smile
no question, no hesitation

lone-winged on empty skies
soft touch, open gaze
light step through faint surprise
long evening shadow plays

unspoken thoughts remembered traces
all that time and mind require
in through out the silent spaces
sounding echoes of desire

ray cologon
october 1995


site maintained by
NightWing Enterprises
PO Box 20, Dallas, Victoria, Australia 3047

© 1995 Ray Cologon
Please Report any problems with this site to: webmaster@raycologon.com

Site created and managed by NightWing Enterprises using FileMaker Pro.
Ray Cologon is a provider of FileMaker custom programming,
FileMaker consulting and FileMaker Pro Developer services.

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